Video: Ladies of the Library

Home > Video: Ladies of the Library

Dear Friend,

It is my pleasure to invite you to view a terrific presentation on the early beginnings of the Toronto Public Library.

This online event was hosted by the Toronto Workers’ History Project. It took place last week to mark International Women’s Day.

If you are a history buff, you will love to hear how the historical foundations of the TPL have moulded Our Public Library today. Retired Toronto Public Library Workers Union President Maureen O’Reilly and Barbara Myrold, the unofficial historian and archivist of the Toronto Public Library, tell the story from a refreshingly female perspective.

Tune in to this free 90-minute recorded program. You will be glad you did!

Yours sincerely,

Brandon Haynes

P.S. I suggest you advance the video to the 6:00 minute mark to avoid the “preliminary chatter” that happens at the beginning of these kinds of online events when the audience is assembling. The presentation gets underway then.

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