Susan Swan

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Susan Swan’s critically acclaimed fiction has been published in twenty countries. Swan was the Associate Professor of Humanities at York University. In 1999-2000, she was awarded the Millennial Robarts Chair in Canadian Studies. She was chair of The Writers’ Union of Canada (2007-2008) and brought in a new benefits deal for Canadian writers. She is also a member of Community Air, the Toronto civic activist group that has fought against the building of the bridge to the Toronto Island Airport.

A native of southwestern Ontario and graduate of McGill University, Susan Swan makes her home and garden in Toronto’s Annex neighbourhood.

Major works include:

  • The Dead Celebrities Club (2019)
  • The Western Light (2012)
  • What Casanova Told Me (2004)
  • The Wives of Bath (1993)
  • The Biggest Modern Woman in the World
  • The Last of the Golden Girls (1989)
  • Stupid Boys are Good to Relax With (1996)

Notable awards

  • Chair of the Writers’ Union of Canada, 2007–2008
  • Robarts Millennial Scholar, York University, 1999-2001
  • Canada Council Award for Fiction, 1998
  • Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Travel Grant, York University, 1996
  • Toronto Arts Council Award for Fiction, 1996
  • Canada Council Short-term Grant, Ottawa, 1995
  • Ontario Arts Council Award for Works-in-Progress, 1995
  • Guardian Fiction Prize Finalist, U.K., (International Award), 1993
  • Trillium Finalist, Ontario, 1993
  • Toronto Arts Council Award for Fiction, 1993
  • Ontario Arts Council Award for Works-in-Progress, 1991
  • Canada Council Award for Fiction, Ottawa, 1989
  • Canada Council Award for Fiction, Ottawa, 1988
  • Ontario Arts Council Award for Works-in-Progress, 1988
  • Oberon, Best Canadian Stories (for Sluts), Ottawa, 1988
  • Toronto Arts Council Award for Fiction, 1986
  • Playwright-in-Residence, NECESSARY ANGEL, Toronto, 1985
  • Canada Council Award for Fiction, Ottawa, 1984
  • Finalist, Governor-General’s Award for Fiction and in Best First Novel Contest , Ottawa, 1983

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